The Connecticut Career Counseling and Development Association (CCCDA), a State Division of the National Career Development Association (NCDA), is committed to the establishment of innovative and responsive career development and career counseling services in Connecticut communities.

Upcoming Events

Next Event:   March 27th Noontime Conversations - Supporting the Career Development of                          International Students


Registration is Open for Spring 2025 Conference! 

Walking the Path Together: Collaborative Approaches to Career Work and the Career Journey

Join us on April 17, 2025 from 9:30 - 2:30. Professional CEs available.  

Click for the latest edition of the CCCDA NEWSLETTER! 

From the President's Desk

Greetings to the CCCDA Community,

I would like to extend a welcome to you all as this year's president. The CCCDA community is one that I have truly come to appreciate since moving to Connecticut in 2020. I am thankful to have the opportunity to serve you all in this capacity, and want you to know that whether you are a new member, seasoned member, or soon-to-be member, I look forward to our journey this year.

It is said that our careers are a constellation of roles we play in our lifetime. This organization recognizes and honors those various roles and we do our best to provide you all with a wide array of professional development opportunities. Our post-COVID world is one that we are all navigating one day at a time. Now, more than ever, we are thinking about our career values, work-life balance, and life goals. Each week, I find an article, video, post, or reel related to career development and learn more about the experiences of various individuals and populations.

We are committed to providing a high quality experience for each of you. Please be on the look out for information regarding our upcoming events! Noontime Conversations will be thought-provoking and informative, and our 2025 Conference next year will surely be one for the books. We will increase our communication and engagement this year and much of the information you need will be in our newsletters or on social media.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this community and I hope to see you soon!

In community,

Diandra J. Prescod, Ph.D.

President, CCCDA

  Featured Board Members

Dr. Latoya Haynes-Thoby is an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Connecticut and is CCCDA's newly elected Secretary. 

Dr. Qu Chen is an Assistant Professor at Southern Connecticut State University in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology Programs and is our newly elected Trustee.

Contact Us:

The Connecticut Career Counseling and Development Association/A Chartered State Division of NCDA

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